Artist Profiles

Wolfgang Bossinger

// author, conductor & music therapist

WOLFGANG BOSSINGER is an author, conductor, music therapist, and singing researcher from Ulm, Germany. His German book “The Healing Power Of Singing (Die Heilende Kraft Des Singens)” (2006) is available from Traumzeit-Verlag, Battenweiler, Germany. Wolfgang also conducts singing events and spiritual nights of singing throughout Europe and other countries, and his passion is exploring the spiritual, social, and health aspects of singing and music. Wolfgang Bossinger is Director of the international network Singing Hospitals, Board Member of the German Foundation For Singing, and Il Canto Del Mondo.

Websites: and
Photo: Wolfgang Bossinger /


Music itself is something very spiritual – it is a wonder that music exists on this world – it has a deeper sense! As a music therapist I experience everyday music as medicine. Music can help people to overcome the strokes of life and to heal the wounds of the soul. Music is a part of the cosmos. Birds are singing to praise the beauty of nature, fish are joining a jam session under water, the whole universe vibrates like a great symphony – music is everywhere.

Especially singing together is one of the most powerful gates to interconnect and to experience unity with the universe and transcendence. All spiritual traditions use singing to create a communion with the divine. When many people sing together we enter a state of deep peace and freedom of the soul – we can feel like one sacred being. Music and singing helps us to discover the deeper meaning of our life here on Earth again and again.

“Music and singing helps us to discover the deeper meaning of our life here on earth again and again.”
– Wolfgang Bossinger, author of “The Healing Power Of Singing”

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