Artist Profiles

William Tarkovsky

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WILLIAM TARKOVSKY is an author and Founder of New Creationism from Bristol, England. His book “The Book of New Creation” (2009) provides the philosophy of New Creationism: “that we can create the world anew on the basis of humanism, sustainability, and service”.

Photo: William Tarkovsky


New Creationists treasure life. We treasure the gnarled sinewy complexity of existence. We treasure music. We ask no sacrifice of rationality or sense. New Creationism does not hide behind weasel words, parable, or myth. With eyes wide open we seek the truth. Join us, we say, and know joy. Join us, we say, and know purpose. Become the guardians of this world. Let the edifice that has enslaved you fall broken to the ground.

Music unshackles you. Music is an expression of life, of connection. Music celebrates life, connection. Music is one of the greatest and most profound experiences available to the conscious mind. It reminds us of our part within a tapestry of helices, self-replicating, intertwined, unique and ever growing, spiraling from the distant past into the infinitely distant future. It reminds us that we are part of the irresistible project of evolution. We are intimately connected. We are never alone.

To be human is to create. When making music we, through our own volition, flex the energy-matter continuum of the universe – imprinting upon it, even if only momentarily, a structure of our own. As with much creative work we transcend the limitations of our physical selves. We construct structure out of sound and engage in the unending dance of energy and space, matter andtime. The flux of life articulates itself as us. We are here. We feel life’s joy. We

fear its loss. Then we are not. Music reconciles us both to our greatness and to our insignificance. Music helps us to engage with a universe far greater than ourselves. Music can give us a sense of the immortality that is ours, which we cannot help but possess within the life of our species. New Creationism is seeking musicians of all kinds to give The Book of New Creation its musical representation [See]. Music heightens perception, offering a sense of wonder, a sense of partness, an engagement with the universe. Music is an utterly wonderful gift without which we all would be impoverished. How wonderful to be human when our humanity allows us this! New Creationism is about easing aside instinctive individual selfishness, about setting aside the individualism of today in favour of loyalty to our species and to all life. Music can help with this transcendence. It helps the individual transcend his or her selfish needs and wants and become part of something else: part of our species and of all life.

New Creationism sees music as one of the most accessible means of transcending the self – of coming to understand that we are all part of a cascading matrix of energy, a powerful, endlessly evolving force within which our personal fears, concerns and doubts are much less significant than the unity of which we all are part. This is my religion: the exultant embrace of the natural world – within which death is everywhere, within which life never dies. It is an embrace to which music gives life.

“New Creationism sees music as one of the most accessible means of transcending the self.”
– William Tarkovsky, Founder of New Creationism

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