Artist Profiles


// Ralf Winzer, bassist

REQUIEM are a death-metal band from Switzerland. “Nameless Grave [EP]” (2001) is available from Fastbeast Entertainment, “Formed At Birth” (2003) is available from Revenge Productions, “Government Denies Knowledge” (2006), and “Premier Killing League” (2007) are both available from Massacre Records.

Photo: Requiem / Massacre Records


Music has always had a deep impact on people and society. Metal and it’s subgenres are more than just music; they are a way of living your life. On the one hand, music can be used as a transport system for different opinions, and on the other hand, music can be used to express fun, joy, and a party feeling. Aside from that, music is the reason why we live our lives the way we do on this rotten planet. To write, record, and play what we love most. Without music every one of us would not be the same way as we are. Depressed and lonely? Grab your instrument and play it loud or listen to a favorite record. Happy and in good mood? Grab your instrument and play it live on stage, or bang your head inside your living room. Music and especially underground Metal unites people with different lifestyles and viewpoints. It does not matter how you wear your hair, or how you are dressed, because the spirit is the same. Sometimes people only use music for entertainment, and others use music because they are interested in interpreting the lyrics. In my opinion both uses are totally valid. Combined music is a very individual thing as well. For Requiem it is our way of life, and for others it is more than life or even a religion. As long as it is not used to convert someone or to accomplish a political crusade; music will always be what it was meant to be: a voice of freedom and a transport system for emotions. The spiritual significance of music has been lost because music has been focused toward commercial aims. Actually there is so much artificial music on this planet that quality and spirituality don’t seem to matter anymore. Music is a business. Nevertheless there was and will always be an underground platform for honest and true music. In other words: a song with an individual meaning counts first. Money should not be a reason for living and loving Metal music. Maybe this is a stereotype but for me: Metal is everything!

“Music will always be what it was meant to be: a voice of freedom and a transport system for emotions.”
– Ralf Winzer, bassist in Requiem

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