Artist Profiles

One Way Worship

// Tyler Logan, bassist & vocalist

ONE WAY WORSHIP are a Christian pop-rock band from Memphis, Tennessee, United States. Their debut album “One Way Worship (Self-Titled)” (2005) is available from Wounded Records. Tyler Logan is also the bassist and vocalist in the Christian pop-punk-rock band I’m OK You’re OK.

Photo: Tyler Logan /


There is a common phrase that says “great music is timeless”. Timeless music withstands the constant changing of styles, trends, and demographics; no matter what era it happens to find itself. The same can be said for all music. Much like the spirit-man that dwells within our earthly bodies; music does not just come from an instrument or a voice; music dwells deep in our hearts, our minds, and our inner-being. I believe there is a significant connection between our musical endeavors and our spirituality. Much like when we lift our hands to worship the Lord, or bow down in reverence, or shout and dance for joy as symbolic expressions of our love for God. We also have this unique passion for music unlike any other creature on the planet, and we can express this passion in many different ways. God has specifically designed men and women in His own image and His own likeness, and in His likeness; there is music and singing. In our own society and culture, since the time of Moses, songs and music have been a significant part of our lives. Everyone loves music, even if they can’t play a single note on the guitar, whether or not they can sing. Coincidence? I think not. It was instilled inside of our spirits to enjoy and love the beauty of music, just as our Heavenly Father does. Music comes from the heart; not the rational mind. In this sense, it very much mimics the principle of faith, because when we trust in God for anything, He requires us to have faith and believe, and that can only come from the heart. I hope this has been a helpful guide to why music has a spiritual significance. God bless and rock on!

“I believe there is a significant connection between our musical endeavors and our spirituality.”
– Tyler Logan, bassist and vocalist in One Way Worship

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