Artist Profiles

Noah Star Weaver

// Keyboardist & Vocalist in United State Of Electronica

NOAH STAR WEAVER is a keyboardist and vocalist in the dance-rock band United State of Electronica (U.S.E.) from Seattle, Washington. Their album “Loveworld” (2009) is available from Rebel Group and Sonic Boom Records. Noah also plays in the band Wonderful, a psychedelic dream-pop quartet sharing multiple members with U.S.E. Their albums “Welcome to Wonderful” (2001), “God Bless Our Pad” (2003), and “Wake Up to Dreamland” (2011) are all available from Mannheim Worldwide. Noah is currently on a worldwide music-making adventure with his wife and 2 year-old son.

Websites:,,, and
Photo: Noah Star Weaver


God and music often go hand in hand. Many of the most profound spiritual encounters of my life have involved music. On May 20, 2006, I wandered past a cathedral in Seattle where a concert was going on. I’d never heard the piece before, Mass in B Minor by J.S. Bach, but I thought I’d check it out. As soon as I walked in, I felt a spiritual presence that I couldn’t explain. Though I wasn’t a Christian at that point, I was looking for God, and I was drawn into this experience. As I sat there in the back taking it in, I could sense there was something happening beyond just the music itself.

This presence grew stronger and stronger throughout the performance, until at last I asked, “Christ, is that you?” Immediately the music washed over me like a tidal
wave, and I heard him say, “Yes, it is me, and I have been with you all along. Even though you didn’t know it was me, I have been carrying you this whole time.” This came as a complete surprise to me, but as soon as I heard these words, my whole life began to make sense. I could now see how he had been with me all along, even when I was running away from him. The grace and love that I felt in that moment changed me forever, and continue to change me day by day.

This experience confirms to me that it is not just the music, but God himself touching our hearts through the music. I couldn’t understand the German language this piece was sung in, and I didn’t even know what music I was listening to at the time, but Christ spoke to me through it, regardless. Music has the ability to shift the atmosphere and environment in a way that makes us more attuned to the spiritual realm. In this state of heightened spiritual sensitivity, we can become more aware of God’s presence and voice. It is God Himself who changes our capacity to love and forgive, but I believe music is one of his favorite tools for doing so. He is a creative God, and he designed us to be creators as well—each one of us.

The creative process is an incredible tool for learning to walk with God. When I am writing a song, I am opening myself up to something beyond myself. The more I am able to forget about myself, the more easily the melodies and words flow through me. It’s exactly the same with love. The more I am able to forget about myself and put someone else’s needs above my own, the better I am able to love. I feel that all the time I have spent writing music has increased both my desire and capacity to live beyond myself. It has taught me how to listen for God’s voice and respond in faith. God is love, and the more He lives in us, the greater our capacity to love and forgive—both ourselves and others.

“God is love, and the more He lives in us, the greater our capacity to love and forgive—both ourselves and others.”
– Noah Star Weaver, Keyboardist & Vocalist in United State Of Electronica

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