Artist Profiles

Juan Carlos García

// Author, Composer & Pianist

JUAN CARLOS GARCÍA is an author, composer, pianist, and producer from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Canary Islands. His books “El Ave Diamante (The Diamond Bird)”, “La Flor de los Mil Pétalos (The Flower of One Thousand Petals)”, “No Pierdas la Magia (Don’t Lose the Magic)”, “Cuadernos Metafísicos (Metaphysical Notes)”, “El Misterio Humano (The Human Mystery)”, “La Vida del Metafísico (The Life of a Metaphysician)”, “Apuntes sobre el Sendero (Notes on the Path)”, “Los Cuentos de Hadas en el Cine (Fairy Tales on the Screen)”, and “El Sentido de la Vida (The Sense of Life)” are all self-published and are available from Juan Carlos García. He has also produced a book series of Metaphysical Travels in Greece, England, Scotland, Egypt, France, Portugal, Israel, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Venezuela, and the United States of America. Juan Carlos García is also a prolific composer with an incredible portfolio of New Age music CDs of meditations and conferences. “Symphonium Illuminatum [DVD]” (2009) is also available from Pulsar Studios, a sonic exploration of space and time, featuring his pioneering instrument the Mundra Midi Controller.

Photo: Juan Carlos García / Pulsar Studios


Since ancient times the human being has been attracted to music and its meaning. All of us identify ourselves with the rhythm, melody, and harmony. Our own heart, which is the central focus of the Spirit within us, sets the pace inside and not just physically but also emotionally and mentally. Ever since I started to compose music, I have felt that communication with others is better. Before composing music, I used to write books, but now, I prefer to communicate with the music as it goes beyond any language and beyond any culture. For me, music is sacred, as Pythagoras himself discovered in ancient Greece. When I sit in my studio and let the ideas flow freely, I feel that I connect directly with our Creator, that there are no middlemen and there are no levels. Beethoven said in his moment, and this is easily verifiable by anyone who wants to – it is a continuous flow of inspiration and an obstacle-free flow.

Personally, I think that music adds a good portion of feeling to what we see and what we do in our lives. This feeling eventually ends up materializing our thoughts in the three dimensional world. As if it were a healthy diet, our ears should only listen to celestial music because it is what really nourishes us from within and makes us happier and brighter. Therefore, I consider celestial music to be an instrument that helps us to achieve greater contact with our Inner Being, which I believe is the meaning of our existence here on Earth. Music is an expression of our Spirit, it is one more Quality. It is so subtle and pure that it may never be touched by human nature, but only channeled to bring it to the worlds in a form and convert it in melodious sound waves that our ears could appreciate.

“Since ancient times the human being has been attracted to music and its meaning. All of us identify ourselves with the rhythm, melody, and harmony.” – Juan Carlos García, author of “The Human Mystery”

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