Artist Profiles


// Author & Musician

IASOS (pronounced yah’-sos) is the co-founder of New Age music and is based in California. He is a music-creator specializing in celestial, heavenly, inter-dimensional music, and also a creator of celestial visuals. He focuses on the healing, uplifting, consciousness-raising effects of sound and light. His 13 CDs albums and 2 DVDs are available on his website: and on His music is available for download on all the major outlets, like iTunes and Amazon. Iasos also does celestial multi-media concerts worldwide.

Photo: Iasos



Regarding the influence of art on love & forgiveness, I’d like to focus first on forgiveness, and then love.


First, what is forgiveness?

Lack-of-forgiveness is the act of continuously maintaining a grudge, a gripe, a negative judgment, towards some person or thing.

Forgiveness is a non-action. It is the stopping of the sustained action of maintaining a grudge, a gripe, a negative judgment, towards some person or thing.

It takes energy to be non-forgiving.
It takes no energy to be forgiving.

Lack-of-forgiveness is hence an energy-drain, an energy-leak. Also, maintaining a negative judgment about some person or thing lowers one’s vibration and releases toxins into one’s body. Hence, it is also self-poisoning. So to not-forgive is to seriously injure one’s self in multiple ways.

When one forgives, they are ceasing to maintain this continuous energy-drain. They are stopping this continuous action of negative judgment. Hence, the energy-leak vanishes, the over-all vibration is automatically raised higher, and they cease releasing toxins into their system, from maintaining a negative judgment. So, to do the 
non-action of forgiveness, is very healthy for the person doing the forgiving. They become happier, healthier, and they have more energy to play with.

Art has a strong effect on emotions, but has very little effect on one’s beliefs.
 But since lack-of-forgiveness is an attitude caused by one’s beliefs, and since art has very little effect on beliefs, art therefore has very little influence on lack-of-forgiveness.

Of course, there are exceptions: An extremely beautiful work of art or music might soften one’s heart – to the point where they choose to forgive. But as a general rule, art has very little influence on lack-of-forgiveness, since art has very little effect on one’s beliefs.


Love is an emotion, and since art has a POWERFUL influence on emotions,
art therefore has a POWERFUL influence on Love.

The universe is really just one thing that gives the “appearance” and “illusion” of being many separate things – separated only by frequency.

Messages from Matthew stated that:

In simplest terms, Love is God’s sharing of Himself with all of His creations.

Love is the universe appreciating itself.

Absolutely EVERYTHING in the universe wants to be appreciated.
And Love is this flow-of-appreciation from one part of the universe to another.

When a person views a majestic sunset, or a beautiful mountain lake, or a perfectly-pure flower, that extreme beauty tends to open that person’s heart. In a similar manner, art that is extremely-beautiful (to the person perceiving it) often has the effect of opening their Heart, and causing more Love to flow. Music, in particular, of all the arts, has a powerful effect on the emotions (since music is a “conductor of emotions”), and hence has a POWERFUL potential influence to open one’s Heart into greater Love-flow.

The enlightened master, Walter Russell, said something like this:
The farther any emotion strays away from love, 
 the more that emotion poisons the body. 
 The closer any emotion is to love, 
 the more that emotion vitalizes and nourishes the body.

A related thought is expressed by members of an extraterrestrial race from Andromeda, represented by Alex Collier:
The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry – from lifetime to lifetime.

In the Course in Miracles, the basic tenant is:

No matter what the lesson is, the correct response is always the love-response.

In all these cases, we see that withholding love is harmful to the person, and allowing more love is very beneficial to the person.

Fear causes one’s energy field to contract and lower in vibration.
Love causes one’s energy field to blossom open and raise in vibration – like flower petals opening up to receive warm sunlight.

Hence, any art that has the effect of opening the Heart of the perceiver, has the profoundly beneficial effect of increasing the Love-flow passing through that person.

“Love causes one’s energy field to blossom open and raise in vibration – like flower petals opening up to receive warm sunlight.”
– Iasos, Author & Musician

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