Artist Profiles

Endless Funeral

// Martin Pleau, multi-instrumentalist

NDLESS FUNERAL are a dark-metal band from Quebec, Canada. Their debut album “A Second Beginning” (2007) was independently released and available as a free download from

Photo: Martin Pleau / Endless Funeral


Music does not have a physical soul and therefore cannot be “Christian” or “Satanic”. However, depending on the lyrics, a song can send a message that can be interpreted differently by listeners. The aggressiveness, the melodies, the lyrics, the image of the band, and many other things like memories attached to a particular song will influence the listener. Some people are totally against Heavy Metal because they think it is music full of demons and anger. On the other side, some debate that Heavy Metal is just a form of expression and that everyone has different tastes. I personally adhere to the opinion that music is a gift of God, and I believe I am glorifying Him by pouring my heart and soul into every song I make for Him. Music is meant to entertain us, teach us, and bless us. It is also meant for us to express ourselves, Christians and non-Christians alike. A beat has no faith but the person playing may have. Of course, we must not forget that music can also damage our relationship with God. By placing music before God we make music an idol and that is a very destructive choice.

“Music can also damage our relationship with God. By placing music before God we make music an idol and that is a very destructive choice.”
– Martin Pleau, multi-instrumentalist in Endless Funeral

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