Artist Profiles

Andrew Lyddon

// Author & Workshop Leader

ANDREW LYDDON is an author and workshop leader living in Hertfordshire, England. His book “Working With Singing Bowls: A Sacred Journey” (2007) is available from Polair Publishing. Andrew Lyddon was introduced to Singing Bowls after hearing Tibetan Singing Bowls expert Frank Perry play at the White Eagle Lodge. When not working with Singing Bowls, Andrew also practices as a mental health social worker.

Photo: Colum Hayward / Polair Publishing


First of all, we need to go back a little in time and note how music has over the centuries supported and enhanced spiritual practice in both the East and West. We have only to hear Western church music, or the sound of Tibetan monks chanting to realise that music and sacred sound are powerful spiritual tools, and that these ancient traditions have much to teach us. If we consider, for example, the ancient Egyptian mysteries, we will see that all the arts had a sacred place in determining spiritual unfoldment and understanding.

By proceeding from the understanding that fundamentally all creation is vibration, ourselves included, we will begin to rediscover the basis of a spiritually inspired music, and in the arts generally. Modern physics is happy to describe a Cosmos containing multiple dimensions, which coincides with the view of spiritual science. Furthermore, spiritual science would suggest the reality of different types of existence in higher dimensions. Historically these existences have been named “Angels” or “Devas” for example, and it is suggested that some of these beings have a special affinity with and influence on music.

We can demonstrate empirically the pattern forming nature of physical sound. Let us note that which is “material” and “spiritual” could be understood as differently moving or vibrating states of energy or matter or consciousness. Let us picture in our creative imagination the beautiful spiritual forms which can be generated by voice and instrument as inspired by higher existences. Let us conceive of the higher sounds which could thus be created and note the beautiful upliftment and joy to be experienced by the listener here on Mother Earth. How could we facilitate this? Perhaps by letting go of the demands of the little self, abandoning the selfishness of the “lower ego” or personal desire, and aiming to help and uplift all beings. We could also develop the practice of meditation which cultivates and opens our inner awareness and receptivity.

This is not to dull the waking consciousness but to enhance it positively and un-aided by any artificial stimulants. Before we begin to compose or play, it would be very helpful to call on the assistance of the spiritual worlds, done according to the custom and practice of the individual concerned. The more we all do this, the more we can connect with music and spirituality in a conscious living way. As we undertake a sustained spiritual practice, our realisation will expand so that ultimately there is no “higher” or “lower”, no “you” or “I”, simply that all life is realised as One.

“By proceeding from the understanding that fundamentally all creation is vibration, ourselves included, we will begin to rediscover the basis of spiritually inspired music.”
– Andrew Lyddon, author of “Working With Singing Bowls: A Sacred Journey”

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